
Energy Forecasting 101 Workshop

January 29, 2020

New to energy forecasting? Itron can provide you with an introduction to the use of regression for forecasting applications, which is designed for analysts and managers who are new to the forecasting area and do not have a background in statistical analysis.

Using hands-on examples, workshop participants will build sales/load forecasting models using linear regression and exponential smoothing models. At the end of this three-day session, attendees will have a strong understanding of basic regression theory, how to apply it to energy forecasting applications, and how to use the model statistics to develop accurate forecasting models. No background in statistics is required, although it will be useful, as mathematical concepts will be taught.

Itron is always at the forefront of the energy forecasting field. We help our customers understand the complexities of forecasting. Take advantage of Itron’s expertise and experience to help you improve your forecasts. For over 20 years, Itron has trained hundreds of energy forecasters. See why our blend of lecture on real-world examples, demonstration of modeling techniques and hands-on exercises executed by attendees is a verified recipe for successful learning.

There are still a few spaces left for this workshop on Feb. 24 through Feb. 26 in Washington, DC. Register today at

If this workshop doesn’t fit your needs, you may be interested in one of the others or one of the upcoming forecasting meetings. See a list of them all at

By Paige Schaefer

Sr Forecast Analyst

Paige Schaefer is a Product Marketing Manager in Itron’s Outcomes group for the strategy, planning and implementation of projects supporting marketing functions spanning electricity, water and gas business units. She interacts directly with sales, product and corporate marketing to identify new marketing opportunities, recommend actions and the coordination of targeted campaigns to increase brand awareness and market share where she works closely with the teams to develop content and strategies. In addition, she provides website support, event coordination and manages Itron’s Energy Forecasting Group (EFG), which supports end-use data development, the Statistical End-use Approach (SAE) and coordinates their annual meeting for discussing modeling and forecasting issues. Paige has a B.S. in Business Administration from San Diego State University with an emphasis in Marketing.


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